As fast food restaurants struggle to maintain market share, traditional sit-down restaurants are also gearing up for a major battle to hold customers.
Cracker Barrel has long been as well known for a line of country stores as they have been for various fried cholesterol dishes. New and interesting offerings within the country stores is expected to be Cracker Barrel’s method of maintaining market share. The newest addition to the country stores is a compact disc on tape‚ created and marketed by Tennessee native, Angie Gordy. The new product, in her words, “…is designed for individuals not willing to jump on the passing fad of compact discs. Our home-based company converts the most popular compact discs to cassette tape so that they will be accessible by more people. If market studies turn out as I expect they will, we will soon begin transferring the materials to paper form so that they can be used anywhere…such as the beach or in the bathtub.”