Victor Ashe will continue his political career in a small Colorado town by the name of Florissant.
Carl Sexton, unhappy with all the candidates available, decided to cause a stir with a write-in vote. Carl, during early voting, voted for his donkey and was so pleased with himself that he created campaign posters promoting Victor the Ass. And he won! Now, what started as a simple joke could haunt this small town for years to come.
In order to save face and not give such control over to a farm animal, the City of Florissant scanned the internet for other ‘Victor the Asses’ and found only one option.
When informed of what had happened, Victor Ashe was quick to alter his plans for residence in Poland and immediately moved to Colorado. Upon his arrival; Dagney Hales, 8, and Sam Easto, 7, fed the mayor wild goldenrod, green stalks with little yellow flowers, and Teller County Sheriff Kevin Dougherty swore him in.
Although natives of Florissant do not know what to expect of the coming years, they can certainly count on the addition of some wonderful greenways.