Last month, Jack Eckelston brought a new franchise to Knoxville called “Carb Neutral.” The concept is loosely based on the “carbon neutral” fad and offers fat people the option to offset their carbohydrate intake by purchasing bran muffins for skinny people. “It is common knowledge that many overweight people do not like health food, and that many skinny people DO like it,” explained Jack. “Our program allows overweight people to offset their carb intake in a way that makes it easier for everybody. When they eat a tub of ice cream, they have to offset that by purchasing a ‘Carb Credit’ from us, which is later converted to a Panera gift card and handed out at a track club meeting.” Local dieticians are skeptical, but agree that it at least gets overweight people thinking about their carbohydrate intake while at the same time distributing health food to people that will actually eat it.